Best Links of the Day: Ignored Emails, Cell Phone Images, Duplicate Content, Hashtag Tips, Cross-client HTML Emails


  1. 11 Reasons Important People Ignore Your Emails
    Possible reasons your emails aren’t getting read & tips to improve them.
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  2. WARNING!!!! If You Take Photos With Your Cell Phone
    This is a quite scary, and something I think everyone should look at. The video explains how your phone tags your photos & makes it very easy for anyone to find you & your kids.
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  3. How To Stop Your WordPress Blog Getting Penalized For Duplicate Content
    It’s surprising what Google penalizes you for, so it’s important to understand what it considers duplicate content.
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  4. Running A Hashtag Event: The Facts & 7 Tips That Will Stand The Test Of Time
    Still confused on how to get your hashtag some traction. Here are 7 tips to help you on your way.
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  5. Create Cross-Client HTML E-mails – Premailer
    HTML emails are still in the dark ages, still using inline styles & tables. The free Premailer tool, converts styles to inline for you & converts relative to absolute paths. CSS styles are also checked against the capabilities of the email clients.
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