Best Links of the Day: Social Media Specs, FeedPress, Optimize YouTube, Facebook Ads

  1. Social Media Spec Guide
    Want to change your Facebook cover image, but not sure what size it should be? What about that Twitter background? Don’t forget Google+, Linked In & YouTube. This helpful guide gives you all the sizes & specs you need!
    link to article
  2. FeedPress RSS

  3. FeedPress
    The fate of FeedBurner has been up in the air for a while now, with no one really sure if it will stick around, and not a lot of alternatives. This one looks promising.
    link to article
  4. 6 Proven Ways For Optimizing Your YouTube Videos
    Tips on how you can increase the effectiveness of your YouTube videos to increase results.
    link to article
  5. 3 Strategies for Finding Customers With Social Media
    Check out the 3 ways they suggest, which are – asking your customers, setting up Google alerts, searching the social media sites.
    link to article
  6. INFOGRAPHIC: Insider’s Guide To Facebook Ad Types
    If you’ve been thinking about advertising on Facebook, this is a great infographic to see what your options are & the differences between the desktop & mobile dimensions.
    link to article
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