Content Scraping, Better Hashtags, Negative SEO, Google Voice, Website Navigation

Best Links of the Day: August 27, 2013

content scraping

  1. The WPLift Guide to Prevent Content Scraping in WordPress
    You spent a lot of time on your recent blog post only to discover someone stole your content – that’s content scraping. Here are some tips to help you catch & prevent it from happening.
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  2. 5 Tips for a Better Twitter Hashtag [INFOGRAPHIC]
    Good rules of thumb to follow if you want to jump in on hashtags.
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  3. Protecting Yourself From Negative SEO: Is It Something You Really Need to Be Afraid Of?
    Explanation of negative SEO, and a few places to go if you have an issue.
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  4. 8 Reasons You Should Be Using Google Voice (If You’re American)
    hmmm…perhaps I should start using mine, some nice features here
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  5. Website Navigation: 4 Tips for Maximum Usability
    Some good, basic tips here that get forgotten a lot. Worth a look/read!
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