Best Links of the Day: September 4, 2013
6 Resources For Taking Better Product Photos
If we have ever worked together, you know how important I think photos are to an ecommerce websites success. This article has some resources to help you improve yours.
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Social Now Is the Most Important Search Ranking Factor
Based on Search Metrics latest study, 7 of the top 8 factors associated with top search engine ranking are of a social nature.
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Chrome App Launcher Comes to the Mac, Runs Chrome Apps from Your Dock
Although it has been available for Windows for a while, now you can open Chrome apps from your Mac right from the dock.
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Fixing WordPress Broken Links On Images And Pages
Sometimes broken links are out of our control, and sometimes they can happen after a site move. This article walks you through how to find them & fix them.
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Topsy, Twitter’s Google, Now Searches Every Tweet Ever Sent
Have you ever wanted to search Twitter, maybe for a job search or any topic for that matter. Well, with Topsy, you can.
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