Best Links of the Day: Hashtag Tools, Anti-Spam, WordPress Post Revisions, Tech Tools, Responsive Email


  1. 3 Hashtag Tools That Will Greatly Improve Your Social Media Exposure
    Hashtags are an important part of reaching your audience on social media. These tools let you find tags that are trending & what going on with any tags. I like tagboard, because it covers more of the social media platforms, although info. is not as in depth.
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  2. WordPress Advanced Anti-Spam Techniques
    Ah spam, you get us in our mailboxes, and you get us on our blogs. It can be so frustrating to login to your site & see 80, 100, 200 spam comments. Here are some tips on how to keep them under control.
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  3. How to Restore Revisions in WordPress 3.6
    By now some of you have probably upgraded to the latest WordPress release. One of the changes was in how revisions on post/pages work. Here is an article that walks you through those changes.
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  4. 12 Great Tech Tools To Keep You Productive From The Industry Executives Who Use Them
    Tools to help you manage your schedules, tasks, billing, social media & more.
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  5. Our Favorite Responsive and Mobile Email Resources
    Sometimes I like to include links here that are more for my designer/developer friends & for my own bookmarking purposes. This is one of those links. Lots of resources for responsive/mobile emails.
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